Introduced to programming in High School through C++, Visual Basic and 8085 microprocessor, my love for it developed when, I witnessed it's power and impact in developing businesses.
Spending summers helping my brother in the garage I saw how our website and social media ads helped business thrive got me into website maintenance. I, then went on to intern as a web developer and SEO where I used HTML5, CSS, JavaScript to help clients in the United Kingdom grow business website ranking and helped keeping websites updated. During my summer Internship at SVP Global LLC in Greenwich, CT I, learned how technology helped move money in and out of businesses on a large scale. My time there taught me how to turn financial side software requirements to production level solutions and developed my passion to help businesses through programming.
So, now, when I graduate I look forward to continue this passion. There is certainly yet more to learn about businesses, more problems to solve and more to build and for this I am very grateful.
Graduate Coursework: Computer Security, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Architecture, Object Oriented Design, Software Modeling and Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Structural Programming and Formal methods using Haskell, Operating Systems, Database Design.
Undergraduate Coursework: Advanced Algorithms, Computer Networks, Compiler Construction, Data Structures, Discrete Mathematics, Operating Systems.